Sunday, August 18, 2024

Alvin worries posting small images may not stop the scrapers


Akvin starts to feel that the strategy of only posting small images, may not discourage the scrapper looking for AI training images, but he is certain it would annoy his social media fans.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Alvin's Not So Smart Web-Trap

Alvin starts to realise his smart Web-Trap (using robot.txt) to block webcrawlers etc, stops his website being indexed and thus no one can find him, but the AI scrapers can just ignore it.

So probably not such a great idea.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Has Alvin been trained?


Lila is a bit sceptical about trying to train Alvin, But has an AI been secretly scraping his web footprints?

Find out if your work has been scraped with the link below

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Lila looks for ways to avoid scraping for AI Traininbg?

A promising development is the creation of tools that embed changes in image files. These alterations are invisible to humans but can disrupt AI training, potentially "poisoning" the dataset. Glaze and Nightshade are two such tools,

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Alvin comes out of social media retirement


Alvin has kindly come out of the shadows on the net to help Norm, look into Cara as an alternative to Instagram and perhaps a way to stop the aggressive scrapping of data and images for Neural Network training. He is starting by asking "Is the creative commons sub-licence NO [no derivative] enough to stop AIs scrapping him?" 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Fall Guy

 because you're an illustration and the drawing challenge was fall,
 and it is called Autumn here,
and at the other end of the year anyway.

Cartoon created with Corel Draw

For @Sketchbookskool A Drawing a Day  on Instagram :: Day 22 Lucky

Thursday, September 07, 2023

A Drawing A Day - Pocket


Cartoon, when deep pockets are not enough to save Alvin from being poor (but still happy) created with Corel Draw

For @Sketchbookskool A Drawing a Day :: Day 7 Pocket